Saturday, April 23, 2011


As foreseen by my previous post, I had a wonderful Friday! we woke up to make a ridiculously american breakfast, I had my first Eggo, which I chose to eat with peanut butter and bananas, it was actually really good at 11 am! we also had cap'n crunch cereal with milk and some soft poached eggs.  

In the middle of breakfast my lovely roommate Kara just got up, went to her room and came back with a basket full of candy and toys and a easter card for me! the night before my friends Suzanne and Tony had bought all this stuff for me to celebrate my first easter! it was really amazing, more than anything I just couldn't believe that they would go through the trouble of making that day special for me, and I will never forget it. 

So after finishing breakfast Suzanne decided she would be the one hiding our easter eggs. Kara, Tony and I went out on the porch until she was done, then the hunting started! we spent a long time looking, she had hid the eggs really well! Kara kinda gave up first, probably cause she had enough candy already, but Tony and I couldn't resist the idea of not finding all the eggs so we kept looking. at the end of the day he and I had the same amount of eggs but I had found the golden one! with a dollar inside! so I win :)

After finding all the eggs we proceeded to dying eggs that we had boiled during breakfast. we got the colors ready, spread out the stickers and EggArrounds and started panting! we had 2 eggs each, and way too much dye for them! Tony decided to mix pretty much every color we had, so his eggs came out brown, but they had these really cool spots which we thought came from too much pressure when he held them. anyway, we experimented with the EggArrounds, and Suzanne made this amazing lime green color and dyed an entire egg with it. 

So after we were done dying the eggs we sat at the table. waiting for them to dry. and then someone had the brilliant idea of making egg salad with them! I know it sounds disgusting, but we couldn't see anything wrong with it, guess thats just something you don't really consider the consequences of; not when everyone feels 5 years old! anyway, our egg salad sandwiches were sooooo good! we cut up some pickles to put in them, some sharp cheddar cheese, lettuce and siracha. We then proceeded to do what we do best, sit on my couch watching movies and eventually eating a TONE of candy! 

There you go, that was my day, in a word: EPIC. I wish we all had more days like that one!


  1. bellisimo el relato y siento revivir mis experiencias de estudiante. La hospitalidad de los norteamericanos es proverbial. Habria que mostrar esto a muchos franceses, que desprecian a los norteamericanos, precisamente por ser demasiado materialistas.

    un beso grande
    el Pa

  2. que buenos tipos tus amigos... un super easter :) el proximo anho yo tambien quiero buscar huevitos! By the way, tu desayuno hubiera sido all-american sin los poached eggs jaja...
    yo para easter le compre un huevito de chocolate a la mami :) venia con un autito de juguete verde, de esos que arastras hacia atras, sueltas, y se van solitos... hace anhos que no jugaba con uno de esos...
    Que coman deli esta noche en Reinbeck... te amo sis
